Urosepsis With Multi Organ Dysfunction In A Teenage Girl

 Dr. Anirban Basu (Consultant Paediatric & Neonatology - Ruby General Hospital)


A 13-year-old female girl had been admitted under the care of Dr. Anirban Basu (Consultant Paediatric) with complaints of abdominal pain, fever and vomiting for the last seven days, along with decreased urine output for three days prior to admission. On admission the child was toxic, had multiple episodes of vomiting, decreased urine output, but was not in shock. She was evaluated and relevant blood and urine investigations were done. The Liver Function Test (LFT) and Renal Function Test (RFT) results were deranged. The creatinine level was high and CRP level was 372.4, while, there was presence of pus cells and RBC in the urine. The blood pressure was within normal range throughout, eventually, she was started on antibiotics which were adjusted as per renal dose as the creatinine level was high along with IV fluids bolus followed by maintenance of fluid, post which, the urine output increased. Simultaneously, conservative treatment had been given along with the above treatment. The CRP level decreased to 142.1 by the fourth day of antibiotic infusion and the child was gradually improving clinically with increased urine output. The opinion of a nephrologist had been taken and his advice was duly followed. Few investigations had been advised like Complement C3, Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS) for Schistocytes (Fragmented red blood cells suggesting red blood cell injury from damaged endothelium and is a characteristic feature of microangiopathic hemolytic anaemia), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), Vitamin D, and Parathyroid Hormone (PTH). Urine for fungal hyphae had been advised in view of diagnosing if any pathology lay in the kidney such as Glomerulonephritis (Inflammation of the tiny filters in the kidneys known as glomeruli) as there was presence of RBC in the urine. The child gradually improved clinically and in four days time the urine output increased considerably, the CRP level was powered down, creatinine decreased from 3.3 to 2.5 and then to 1.3. It was finally diagnosed as a case of urosepsis (Type of sepsis caused by an infection in the urinary tract) with multi organ dysfunction. The parents of the child were very happy and thanked Ruby Hospital as they believed that it was for RubyHospital that they could take their only child back home safely.


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