Age Is Not A Factor For Fighting Against Cancer
Dr Shomes Mazumder (Consultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgeon - Ruby General Hospital)
A female senior citizen of 82 years had been presented with ulceration on a pre-existing mole on the right cheek and right post auricular area (Area around the ear) for the last 2 years and was admitted under the expert care of Dr. Shomes Mozumder (Consultant ENT, Head and Neck Surgery). After a thorough evaluation, relevant investigations were done including incision biopsy from both the lesions which revealed basal cell carcinoma (A type of skin cancer that begins in the basal cells). The lady had a history of hypertension, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Hypothyroidism, and an old cerebrovascular accident. Before the surgery, the lady had been reviewed again for anemia, hypertension, and glycaemic control and she also received one unit of Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC). The treating consultant had a detailed discussion with the family members about the proposed procedure, its pros, and cons and after written informed consent the lady had been posted for surgery. Wide excision post aural skin lesion and right cheek skin lesion were done followed by reconstruction of right cheek defect with subcutaneous tissue pedicled island advancement flap (An island of skin that is detached from its epidermal and dermal attachments while retaining its vascular supply from an underlying pedicle to repair a cutaneous defect. This flap is useful for the select defects on the nose, ears, and periorbital area). During the surgery, a 1.5 cm X 1.5 cm blackish pigmented ulcerative lesion was found with rolled out margin on right cheek skin adjacent to Nasolabial furrow not fixed to underlying tissue. 4.0 cm x 4.0 cm blackish pigmented proliferative lesion was seen on right postauricular area, not fixed to underlying tissue. The sample had been sent for the Frozen section which revealed basal cell carcinoma. The postoperative period had been uneventful and the lady went home assured that she will have negligible scars at this age.
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