Professional Singer Begins Singing Anew

U/Dr Prasanna AV (Consultant Neurosurgeon - Ruby General Hospital)

We always consider home as the safest haven but, sometimes emergencies take place in the safest of places. Brain hemorrhage is a catastrophic event in any one’s life and it causes a lot of neurologic disabilities like disability and is a leading cause of death today. A 68-year-old professional singer had been presented with a history of fall at home resulting in total paralysis of right sided limbs (Hemiparesis) and was unable to speak. He was deteriorating rapidly and was admitted under the expert care of Dr. Prasanna AV (Senior Consultant Neuro Surgeon) who thoroughly evaluated him and relevant investigations were sent for. The MRI revealed left sided subdural haematoma (A pool of blood between the brain and its outermost covering). The gentleman was a known case of Hypertension and Type II Diabetes Mellitus. After discussion with the family members and with informed written consent the gentleman was posted for surgery. Left Frontoparietal Mini Craniotomy and evacuation of Left Frontoparietal acute on chronic Subdural Haematoma (SDH) had been done. Craniotomy is the surgical removal of a section of the skull in order to access the intracranial compartment. The portion of the skull which is temporarily removed called the bone flap is placed back in its original position and fastened into place with low profile titanium plates and screws after the operation is completed. Postoperatively the gentleman was put on mechanical ventilation and extubated shortly. He was able to talk and move after the surgery and he resumed his singing on the fifth postoperative day. Soon after, the gentleman participated in a singing competition held by the Rotary Club, Kasba and he even qualified for the finals.

Brain hemorrhage is a disease associated with a lot of morbidity and functional disability. It takes a long time for patients to recuperate and return to normal routine. The timely surgery not only resulted in a good recovery but also with a complete preservation of intellectual capacity.  This gentleman on the brink of death is now singing in a professional capacity.


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