Broad Ligament Fibroid Removed Through Morcellation Technique | Ruby General Hospital, Kolkata

A 40-year-old lady presented with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen associated with heaviness and difficulty in passing urine. She had been admitted under the expert care of Dr. Bikash Banerjee (Senior Consultant Gynaecologist). After clinical evaluation, relevant investigations had been done and the USG revealed broad ligament fibroid.

Broad Ligament Fibroid, although rare, is a benign smooth muscle tumor which originates from the broad ligament hormone-sensitive smooth muscle or secondarily from the uterine smooth muscle. After discussion with the family members and with proper informed and written consent, the lady had been posted for surgery. Myomectomy and Adhesiolysis had been performed with a single incision on uterus. The fibroid sized at 10 cm X 10 cm had been removed laparoscopically using the morcellation which is a surgical technique used to reduce the size of the myomas by creating smaller pieces to allow the tissue to be removed through small incisions or with laparoscopic instruments. Two large intramural myomas – anterior and fundal had also been dissected off. The postoperative period was uneventful. The lady had been relieved as she could overcome being weighed down and felt much lighter.


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