
Best Emergency and Trauma Care Department - Ruby General Hospital

A Unique Case Study by Dr. Indranil Mitra (Head, Emergency and Trauma Care Department - Ruby General Hospital ) A 33-year-old female employee of Be Bonnie Bodycare Pvt Ltd had been brought by Kolkata Police to Ruby Emergency around 2am on 14th February'21 in a critical condition. The BP could not be found and she had to be intubated. Her husband lives in Darjeeling, Her family arrived in the hospital the following day. Ruby Emergency continued with her treatment in the absence of the immediate family.

Day Care Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: The Best Laparoscopic Surgery Hospital - Ruby General Hospital

Day Care Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy There are advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery like minimal pain, minimal bleeding, and minimal scar, but, combined with an excellent perioperative care, the patient can go home on the same day post-surgery. Day care surgery is when the patient gets admitted to the hospital and do not require an overnight stay at the hospital post surgery. The patient can get admitted on the day of surgery and walk home after a few hours post surgery not requiring undue hospital stay. This will make them mentally strong and they will recover faster in their own environment and will also be able to resume normal lifestyle from the very next day. A 21 year old young lady had been admitted under the care of Dr. Sumanta Dey (Advanced Laparoscopic, Bariatric and GI Surgeon), underwent Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery and was on her feet within a few hours post surgery. She was very happy to go back home on the same day after surgery as a day care patient. Day Care Laparos...

Age Is Not A Factor For Fighting Against Cancer

Dr Shomes Mazumder ( Consultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgeon  -  Ruby General Hospital ) A female senior citizen of 82 years had been presented with  ulceration  on a pre-existing  mole  on the right cheek and right post auricular area (Area around the ear) for the last 2 years and was admitted under the expert care of  Dr. Shomes Mozumder ( Consultant ENT, Head and Neck Surgery ) . After a thorough evaluation, relevant investigations were done including incision  biopsy  from both the  lesions  which revealed basal cell  carcinoma  (A type of  skin cancer  that begins in the basal cells). The lady had a history of hypertension, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Hypothyroidism, and an old cerebrovascular accident. Before the surgery, the lady had been reviewed again for anemia, hypertension, and glycaemic control and she also received one unit of  Packed Red Blood Cells  (PRBC). The treating consultant had a d...

Unrelenting Pain Of Six Months – Gone In Six Minutes

Dr. Dibyadip Mukhopadhyay ( Intensivist & Pain Physician  -  Ruby General Hospital ) A 51 year old man was admitted with complaints of an aggravating  chest pain  and a  chronic arm pain  for the past six months. The pain was so severe that he had great difficulty in mobilizing his shoulder or take  deep breaths . This was also associated with  eye sight issues . He was evaluated and relevant investigations were carried out. Opinions of Cardiologist and Orthopaedic consultants were taken and advice was duly followed. Orthopaedic consultants ruled out any  anatomical and surgical abnormalities . He was then referred to  Pain Clinic  and was subsequently diagnosed with  impingement syndrome  (A syndrome involving  tendonitis  i.e.  inflammation of the tendons ) and  Costochondritis  (It is an inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the breastb...

Overcoming The Pandemic Makes One Feel Lucky

Dr Kumadip Banerjee ( Consultant General Physician  -  Ruby General Hospital ) The global pandemic has been taking a toll on innumerable lives worldwide and the senior citizens are more vulnerable as, generally, their immunity levels are pretty low. A 66-year-old senior citizen had been presented in the Emergency department with complaints of  fever  for 4 – 5 days and  flu  like presentation. He was a known case of Type 2  Diabetes  Mellitus (uncontrolled) and was not associated with shortness of breath and  respiratory symptoms . The gentleman had been admitted under the care of  Dr. Kumardip Banerjee (Consultant Medicine)  and after evaluation, relevant investigations were done. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed positive for  COVID 19   pneumonia  and his family members had been very anxious as they had heard that the mortality rate of senior citizens is high. Initially, the elderly man had been treated conservativel...

The Siver Lining In The Dark Cloud

Dr Ajitesh Roy ( Chief of Endocrinology  -  Ruby General Hospital ) A 24 year old lady who had been suffering from  hypokalaemia  (low potassium level) had been admitted in  Ruby General Hospital  with a history of nausea and vomiting. The lady had been admitted in various hospitals for multiple occasions due to recurrent hypokalaemia and was treated with K+ supplements. She also suffered from  persistent hypertension . She was born out of a consanguineous marriage (marriage between two individuals who are related by blood) and had no history of perinatal (immediately before or after birth) or childhood crisis. Her developmental milestone was normal but, there was no feature of puberty for which she received a few courses of estrogen.  Other evaluation showed  persistent metabolic alkalosis , where the pH of tissue is elevated beyond the normal range (7.35 – 7.45). Radiological investigations revealed the absence of uterus and ovary. The pati...

Mother back to her newborn after battling covid, jaundice and pancreatitis

Dr. Prerna Pallavi ( Consultant Gastroenterologist  -  Ruby General Hospital ) 33 years old lady, presented to her treating specialist after she suddenly developed  pain abdomen and jaundice  in last trimester of pregnancy. After initial evaluation she was diagnosed to have jaundice with gall stone disease and hence was taken up emergency caesarean section (outside). However post-surgery she continued to have jaundice with worsening pain abdomen and hence presented to us for further management.  At presentation she was conscious oriented, had  SIRS , mild respiratory distress and abdominal distention. Her covid status was positive with mild disease on HRCT, mixed pattern of jaundice, leukocytosis, b/l pleural effusion with necrotizing pancreatitis and evidence of gall stone disease with no biliary obstruction.   She was started on standard management protocol for covid and  pancreatitis  along with other supportive treatment. With a good nurs...